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CAT Course V Package

Author: National Association of Elevator Contractors (NAEC)
Format: SET0 (Assembled Set with no Shipping)
Publication Date: 39873


This product cannot purchased without an assigned candidate approval number from NAEC. Contact NAEC first to be approved then Call us to Order training materials (251) 479-4514


The National Association of Elevator Contractors (NAEC) is the provider and administrator of the CAT Program. Please visit their website to register, or for more information. 

Credit Hours: 120 class hours/1800 Field hours (10 1/2 months)

The Course V package contents:

  • CAT Course Guide
  • Course V Textbooks - Private Residence Elevators - Vol. 1 & 2
  • Skills Vertification Portfolio (Purple)
  • Compilation of PRE Manufacturer's information
  • Continuation of Elevator World Magazine Subscription

    Important: Please make sure you have the candidate's name and number (obtained from NAEC) when you call to purchase.

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