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Escalator Safety


Publication Date:


4 in stock


Latest edition but slight worn condition.

Among vertical transportation devices, escalators and moving walks accommodate the greatest volume of passengers. Today, it is hard to imagine subway stations, airport terminals, malls and other public buildings without them. Even with a cursory look at the condition of existing escalators and moving walks, it can be clearly seen that the lack of attention to safety principles in design and maintenance has caused a lot of problems and legal costs to the customers of this industry. On the other hand, the wrong selection of an escalator and a lack of proper traffic analysis along with architectural problems such as building obstacles, barriers and limited space can also increase the probability of injury to passengers.

This much-needed book provides the fundamental escalator safety features and codes. It explores escalator safety in detail by studying different types of real-life accidents and providing information on related safety systems and solutions.

This book can be helpful to all who need more information on safety codes for escalators and moving walks.

Chapters include: main definitions, standards, accident analysis, accidents during installation, accidents and safety systems, accidents during maintenance, safety recommendations and more.

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