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Defending the Company: A Compilation of General Legal Advice and Cases


Author: Marvin A. Jacobs
Publication Date: 2021


196 in stock


This new book collects the late author's many articles that appeared in ELEVATOR WORLD throughout the November 1998-December 2010 issues. Officially EW's Legal Issues columnist for nearly a decade, Jacobs wrote on a variety of aspects of claims and lawsuits, always touching on technical, legal and personal aspects. Divided into two sections, "General Legal Advice" and "Cases," the guidance, advice, explanations and stories are still relevant today. Jacobs' true tales from more than 40 years as a trial attorney are always from his perspective of defending the VT company in product liability situations. They provide a rare glimpse into a successful company lawyer's processes, preparations, arguments and more.

354 Pages, 8-1/2 x 11 in. coil-bound format

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Author Bio

When Marv Jacobs wrote his first article intended for EW in 1999 with his son, Mark, the two were managing partners at San Francisco-based Jacobs Associates, a law firm that, with its predecessor, specialized in elevator and escalator product liability for more than 50 years. As a consultant, he focused on vertical-transportation (VT) litigation and contractual relations. Well-regarded in the VT industry, Jacobs was a member of the ASME A17.1 Code Committee (National Interest Review Group). Jacobs passed away in 2010.

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