Sam & Samantha, The Mainteneers (Print)
Sam and Samantha are fictionalized versions of real people. Their stories, which really happened, are a sample of what elevator personnel encounter in the day-to-day task of taking care of elevators. Elevator maintaineers are the front lines of the elevator business; a profession that is so unique that few other careers in the world can…

Section 2.1-Elevator Drives, Chapters 1-3
This part of Book 2 is about elevator drives, the prime mover of all traction elevators. It consists of seven chapters. Besides the main content, which is the original article published in an edition of Elevator World, each chapters comes with a tutorial where certain points within the article are further elaborated on or clarified…

Section 2.1-Elevator Drives, Chapters 4-7
This part of Book 2 is about elevator drives, the prime mover of all traction elevators. It consists of seven chapters. Besides the main content, which is the original article published in an edition of Elevator World, each chapter comes with a tutorial where certain points within the article are further elaborated on or clarified…

Section 2.2-Elevator Ropes, Chapters 1-2
This part of Book 2 is about elevator ropes, which is the second most important component of traction elevators, the first being the drives. Without good knowledge on the maintenance of ropes or proper maintenance, ropes could get deteriorated quickly, imposing a very high risk to the safe operation of the elevators. This part consists…

Section 2.2-Elevator Ropes, Chapters 3-5
This part of Book 2 is about elevator ropes, which is the second most important component of traction elevators, the first being the drives. Without good knowledge on the maintenance of ropes or proper maintenance, ropes could get deteriorated quickly, imposing a very high risk to the safe operation of the elevators. This part consists…

Section 2.2-Elevator Ropes, Chapters 6-7
This part of Book 2 is about elevator ropes, which is the second most important component of traction elevators, the first being the drives. Without good knowledge on the maintenance of ropes or proper maintenance, ropes could get deteriorated quickly, imposing a very high risk to the safe operation of the elevators. This part consists…

Section 2.3-Elevator Brakes, Chapters 1-3
This part of Book 2 is about elevator brakes, which is as important as the drives and hoisting ropes from a safety point of view. Without a good brake that can stop the operation on time and safely, accidents will occur resulting in passenger injury. This part consists of three chapters that are beyond normal…

Section 2.4-Elevator Components, Chapter 1
This part of Book 2 is on selected topics related to the mechanical and structural systems of elevators. This part consists of three chapters that give a good introduction to various issues related to cab structure, balance, guide rails, and more, which elevator professionals need to know about. Again, besides the main content, which is…

Section 2.4-Elevator Components, Chapters 2-3
This part of Book 2 is on selected topics related to the mechanical and structural systems of elevators. This part consists of three chapters that give a good introduction to various issues related to cab structure, balance, guide rails, and more, which elevator professionals need to know about. Again, besides the main content, which is…