2019 February: Instruments for Elevator System Debugging and Diagnosis
SPECIAL NOTICE: Please check each course for verification of approval before purchasing. This test is based on the article, Instruments for Elevator System Debugging and Diagnosis, published in the February 2019 issue and counts as one contact hour (0.1 CEU) of elevator industry continuing education credit. Most courses are approved by NAEC for CET/CAT and NAESAI for QEI…

2020 BNI Facilities Manager’s Costbook
Old edition – new condition. Now you can quickly and easily estimate the cost of renovations, repairs, and new construction for all types of facilities and commercial buildings. The 2020 BNI Facilities Manager’s Costbook is the first place to turn, whether you’re preparing a preliminary estimate, evaluating a contractor’s bid, or submitting a formal budget…

2020 Elevator Industry Field Employees’ Safety Handbook
This Handbook is designed to provide a resource for safety information that the elevator industry field employees shall use to help prevent injuries and illnesses resulting from unsafe acts and/or conditions.

2020 Elevator Industry Field Employees’ Safety Handbook – Canada Edition
The Canadian version of the Elevator Industry Field Employees’ Safety Handbook differs from the US version in that it refers to Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) legislation approved in the 14 jurisdictions of Canada. This special edition is identified with a Maple leaf in the upper right of the cover.

2020 National Electrical Code
NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC) sets the foundation for electrical safety in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancy. The 2020 edition of this trusted Code presents the latest comprehensive regulations for electrical wiring, over current protection, grounding, and installation of equipment. Softcover | 950 pages | 4 lbs.

2021 International Building Code
Featuring time-tested safety concepts and the very latest industry standards in material design, the 2021 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE offers up-to-date, comprehensive insight into the regulations surrounding the design and installation of building systems. It provides valuable structural, fire-and-life-safety provisions that cover means of egress, interior finish requirements, roofs, seismic engineering, innovative construction technology, and occupancy…

2023 ELEVATOR WORLD Source Directory
Elevator World’s SOURCE Directory is the key reference publication for the elevator industry. The SOURCE is used worldwide by government agencies, educators, building owners and facility managers to locate companies, specify products and purchase goods and services – giving you access to more than 1,200 industry specialists and products/services.

2023 National Electrical Code
The NEC is the authoritative document addressing electrical installations in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. The 2023 edition represents a significant revision to modernize the code to reflect the rapidly evolving electrical landscape. Stay up to date as you design, install, and inspect with current requirements for wiring, overcurrent protection, grounding, and equipment. The code…

29 CFR 1910 OSHA General Industry Regulations & Standards (Print)
July 2022 Edition Make compliance with dense government safety regulations simple with the 29 CFR 1910 OSHA General Industry Standards and Regulations. The book provides you with a comprehensive set of the most up-to-date General Industry regulations as required by the U.S. Department of Labor and OSHA. This current edition includes Walking-Working Surfaces, PPE, Exit…

29 CFR OSHA 1926 Construction Industry Regulations, July 2022 Edition (Print)
Save time and lives with OSHA 1926 Construction Industry Regulations. Updated through July 2022, this book supplies you with the most current safety and health information essential to the construction industry. Formatted with the reader-friendly approach to regulations — RegLogic — these complex government standards are easy to navigate, understand, and apply. Inside you will…